About Everyday Genius:
Everyday Genius describes the unsung acts of leadership, innovation, and creativity that make our community so vibrant. Da Vinci Art Alliance is choosing to uncover the Everyday Geniuses of Philadelphia by highlighting leaders and trailblazers through social media, our website archives, and public art installations throughout the city.

Patchwork of Stories, Wheat Paste Mural by first-generation Guatemalan artist, Henry Morales, in partnership with Mural Arts Philadelphia.
DVAA x I Belong Philly, Thomas Jefferson University, Mural Arts Philadelphia:
In 2022, Da Vinci Art Alliance partnered with I Belong Philly - a volunteer-led collaborative dedicated to serving immigrant communities in the Greater Philadelphia area- Thomas Jefferson University, and Mural Arts Philadelphia. The 2022 Everyday Genius cohort celebrated the achievements of Philadelphia’s immigrant teachers, artists, medical workers, scientists, activists, and community heroes- highlighting their integral contributions to our shared communities through interviews, public banners, and a temporary mural.
The 2022 Cohort:
Ana Gabriela Jiménez - Exhibitions Project Coordinator at The Clay Studio
Andres Gonzalez - Conductor + Music Director at Play On Philly
Berrios Family - Founders of the EcoMusiclaje Project
Carlos José Pérez Sámano - Author, Librettist + Poet
Claudia Peregrina - Teaching Artist at Mural Arts; Community organizer for Latina women + youth; Counselor
Eric Edi - Chief Operating Officer at AFRICOM; Lecturer at Thomas Jefferson University
Gabriela Watson-Burket - Co-Founder of iPresente! Media; Filmmaker, Producer + Journalist
Georgia Consenca - IBelong Philly Contributor; Business Management Student
Hafez Kotain - Owner + CEO of Hafez Percussion Inc.; Percussion Director at Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture; Percussion Director of University of Pennsylvania’s Arab Percussion Ensemble
Hani White - Co-Founder of Feed the Barrel
Julia Zavadsky - Choir Director + Faculty at Curtis Institute of Music + Temple University
Karen Cervera and Yushan Chou- Founders of Let’s Talk Philly
Katherine Prieto Celis - Psychologist
Kun-Yang Lin - Founder + Artistic Director of CHI Movement Arts Center
Maria Gonzalez - Co-Founder of IBelong Philly; Award-winning Author
Maria Turcios - Coordinator of the Accompaniment Program at New Sanctuary Movement; Community Leader
Marife Domingo - Director of the Philippine Folk Arts Society Rondalla; Vice President at Asian American Women's Coalition
Mariam Ibrahim - English-Arabic Interpreter; Vice President of Student Government Coalition at Community College of Philadelphia
Pedro Ospina - Founder of The Open Kitchen Sculpture Garden
Sabrina Zouaghi - Bioengineer; Youtuber
Sarorng Sorn - Director of Immigrant + Refugee Affairs and Language Access Services at Department of Behavioral Health + Intellectual Disability Services
Walé Oyejide - Founder of Ikiré Jones; Writer, Fashion Designer, Filmmaker, + Lawyer

In 2020, Da Vinci Art Alliance’s robotic drawing arm, Henri, honored amazing Philadelphia heroes—medical workers, scientists, teachers, artists, and more—by drawing custom portraits of these vital, essential workers accumulating in an online exhibit during Da Vinci Fest (now Everyday Futures Fest).
Using a photo provided by a nominated Genius, Henri rendered their likeness in a drawing. The ultimate goal of this project was to celebrate and highlight underrepresented voices, boast front-line workers, and increase arts engagement during the pandemic by inspiring positivity and hopefulness.
The 2020 Cohort:
“Creativity for me is a state of being. It is when we let ourselves be opened to a flow state that can take us to problem solving but also having a more enjoyable and fruitful life.”
“My Everyday Genius nominee would be my mother. She is always coming up with great ideas to help others and constantly giving to others. She is the most selfless, intelligent woman I know.”
“True leadership means to lead in an authentic way, to build on shared values and trust, and to empower others by providing clear structures and frameworks.”
“I am inspired by local artists who are in the trenches doing the community work necessary to create change on the ground level.”
“There's an element of vulnerability that is able to break down barriers, build connection, and thus is key to being able to build community.”
“As a child I considered Prince to be a genius. I loved how he played with gender and was able to express his gender separately from his sexual orientation. He can play a ridiculous number of musical instruments and is a beautiful song writer too. I recall being completely entranced anytime I heard him sing.”
“Creativity is a different way of thinking, whether it is inside or outside the box. Thinking outside the box is inherently creative, but I am also interested in what's inside. Being forced to be creative within the constraints of the box is also a great sign of creativity.”
“If we are to successfully overcome these challenges and build a better America, we must first understand the history of racism in this country and how it continues to be perpetuated in order to ultimately disrupt these racialized propaganda narratives.”
“Without creativity, no culture could advance and no progress could be made. For an individual, creativity can be a lifeline; for a society, creativity can be a way to save itself from the destruction wrought by the inability to change and adapt to new circumstances.”
“Creativity has always been a state of mind that makes me feel totally present. Art and discipline intersect in my studio; combined they harness my inner world of ideas and give me the staying power to move forward in ways that I can't always predict.”
“While many think of data visualization as a pure science, I think there is certainly some room for art and creativity mixed in as well.”
“Leadership is about taking responsibility for building, changing or advancing something, not waiting for others to do it. I believe we all can be leaders by helping others when we can.”
“I think it is too easy to confuse leadership with authority. The people I've experienced in my life that I would consider real "leaders" are not just driven or powerful but open minded and receptive to ideas they might not have come up with and capable enough to actually complete ambitious projects.”
“Creativity is the mechanism that keeps the world moving forward. It is the use of the mind to imagine new possibilities and connections. It can be found in all aspects of life from art and culture to science and technology. Creativity is ageless and timeless.”
“We have all been through a collective trauma, and we will need to grieve the many losses we have all suffered. Nevertheless, there is a camaraderie in coming together to process what we have experienced, and my hope is that creating art can help us all begin to heal as a community.”
“Right now, I’m wondering how we can make a virtual environment for learning feel as meaningful, interconnected and transformative as live classes.”
“Creativity is to make something new; it's to rebuild something old in a new way; it's to approach problems with a new perspective. Creativity does not mean productivity, we often think creativity means making art, but I believe appreciating art in your own perspective is also creativity.“
“Creativity is radical and dangerous to the status quo, because it leads to critical and independent thought. Creativity empowers and moves us to action. When people tap into their creative potential, they can become whole, able to realize themselves and express their unique vision. Breaking down barriers to the creative potential should be one of our most valued goals.”
“Art and my discipline meet when the ideas that I have on paper start to go through a process of improvisation and play. I feel like that's when the work really comes to life, sort of from the sketch to the big painting the process really is everything.”
“We’re in an ecosystem. For us to have the scale in which we need to significantly change food systems and other systems of oppression, we all need to work together.”
“Creativity is the purest form of human expression. It comes from deep within our psyche and enables us to make something totally unique in any field.”
“Listening involves moving outside of your own lived experience to learn from someone else's, which is particularly important in elevating the voices of those who do not hold power.”
“Speaking truth to power is the only way to be empowered and to have integrity. As important as that is understanding that art is a form of communication…And my art lets me communicate my sense of humor, my sense of culture, and my sense of commitment to social equity.”
“As a child, I thought a ‘genius’ was someone with an immense mastery of facts, but these days I understand the term to mean much, much more. To me, a genius is one who can effectively block out the cacophony of everyday life and live according to their own guiding impulses.”
“I love the way some storytellers are good at taking what other people see and connecting the dots, delivering a message. In my particular industry, I share stories as a marketing tool, getting people to understand why a theatrical work they've never heard of is relevant to their lives.”
“Graphic design, with its commercial appeal, is about external communication, while my painting is a meditative practice for my spirit. These two disciplines require me to use opposite parts of myself, but make me feel whole.”
“I’ve learned how to challenge systems, my own privileges, and assumptions, and I’ve learned how to advocate for myself and others. The work never ends and is ongoing – but always in community and with care.”
“I happen to be an immigrant. I’m a naturalized citizen at this point, but I was not born here and English is my second language. Regardless of your status, even if you may not be able to vote in U.S. elections, you can get involved and run and become an officer in our neighborhood organization. You can have influence, make a difference, and give back.”
“There are as many different forms of art as there are artists. Beyond the canvas and traditional means of creativity is the power to move and inspire people through compassion, empathy and understanding. It’s represented in the works of artists like Rembrandt and Alice Neel; writers like Zora Neale Hurston and Harper Lee; activists like Gandhi and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and people in my personal life…like my own mother!”
“I believe that nature is a really good roommate that you want to keep, and I would hug a tree if you dared me. I believe our oceans are the way to forget all our worries. I believe art is everything and books are holy. I believe you should dance daily, no matter what you are doing. And I believe you should dance with me!”
“Leadership is action, not position. It's more important to do the work than it is to get the accolades.”
“Creativity starts with planting a seed. You don't know what it will become, but you nurture it, you feed and protect it. You work hard to make sure it grows strong. And one day, there's something beautiful in this world that wasn't here before.”
“Being a strong leader also means taking responsibility, being accountable, and having a commitment to lifelong learning. True leaders never stop growing.”
“Little ideas and discoveries lead to other ideas, which build into bigger projects. It’s this ability to bring forward ideas that can be built upon that has opened doors for me. By learning how to think differently, and not accept the status quo, I’ve continually discovered that ‘it hasn’t been done’ and ‘it can’t be done’ are two vastly different propositions.”
“Any position of leadership within the queer community must be influenced by innovation because our community – and each of the rights pertaining to us – evolves at such a rapid pace.”
“‘Innovation’ is tied to creativity. An artist must be open to new ideas to continue to develop, you need to embrace new technologies and also be aware of the world around them. That is wha drives my practice. It provides the motivation to be open to new materials, visual strategies and intellectual ideas. It allows me to stay passionate about our planets future health.
“I do my best to align with inspired ideas rather than rallying solely from discipline, motivation and pressure. That's exhausting & depleting. No thanks. I love the urban grit of life and the soothing coo of nature.”
“Radical Hospitality is at the core of our values. Everyone who walks through our doors is treated with dignity and respect. There is a seat at our table for everyone, and everyone has something unique to offer to the community.”
“I enjoy ideation as much as I enjoy execution of a project. Sometimes I am the driver and I choose the route, but just as often I am a passenger helping someone else navigate the creative journey.”
“After a long battle with lymphoma, I became a survivor. Now I serve the hospital that saved my life, and I hope to continue to do that for as long as I can.”
“Innovation is always at the forefront of my mind when I am curating or designing for YOWIE or our clients. Our byline is ‘We're a lot of things,’ and that's me rebelling against us ever being put into one box or category. It’s not always easy but I prefer to make things that make people stop and think, smile, or ultimately feel inspired.”
“Living life is about honoring change and recognizing impermanence. That’s why capturing the ephemeral is essential to my art.”
“Film is the most modern of all artforms in that it builds upon the foundation of visual art, performing arts, fashion, journalism, music, and literature, to create something totally new! It impacts so many of one's senses at the same time and truly has a unique power to quite literally shift how we see the world.”
“I love working with cultural institutions to remove barriers for people with disabilities and low-income folks. Art has no value unless its accessible to all people.”
“I am a life-long learner in exploring new media and techniques to incorporate into my art practice. Making art is my pleasure and I am fortunate to do it every day!”
“Improvisers are innovators. To innovate means to embrace uncertainty and the possibility of failure. Improvisers don’t strive for perfect choices; we hone our ability to recover quickly from our mistakes! We are skilled practitioners of letting go and moving on.”
“Much art is inaccessible, hidden in museums that are not affordable or in galleries that do not make people feel welcome… Creating community through art and making art accessible go hand in hand, and are cornerstones of my thinking.”
“Innovation is simply taking the time to solve problems that everyone else has abandoned as ‘not their problem’…If you want to be a true scientist, you need to look in all directions and leave no stone unturned in your creative approach.”
”Industrial design is a type of art. Instead of using media like paint or clay, we manipulate plastic, metal, wood, and other materials to create functional sculptures that solve practical problems.”
“You have to always take risks…One has to be always eager to learn, to take chances, to stretch and leap beyond the bounds of what you thought was possible.”
“It’s all about creativity and generosity. Would you like some relish with that free hot dog?”
”I believe that creativity is simply the connection of different ideas, concepts, and insights across different disciplines, but it requires an openness and awareness to see those connections.”
“At its core the public space is collectively ours, and it serves us best when it reflects and responds to our human experiences. Great art can affect the ways we think, feel, and behave. And art in the public space is a powerful tool.”
“Seeing images of the battles under a microscope give me the inspiration to create art and represent colors and abstract forms that make feel that we are defeating the enemy.”
“Of course I make my own art on the side, but I truly consider teaching to be my real art form, one that I have involved my entire identity in.”
“As a viewer and producer of performance, I try to be as generous and empathetic as possible. As a writer dealing in questions of identity, I try to drill reminders for the reader: the target can and will shoot back.”
“A good leader involves people in a collective goal and helps them organize and collaborate towards the goal.”
“Addressing inequity is challenging because its a norm in our culture. Art has the ability to reshape convention and engage different emotions and visions that help shape innovation, culture and practice. Art is elegant while being powerful enough to create culture change.”
“Leadership is the ability to work effectively with others and inspire them to achieve on a common goal.”
“Creativity, open-mindedness, ease of self-expression, and a different way to process and see the world are all attributes of genius.”
“Life experiences and history fascinate me and learning about someone’s journey allows you to appreciate the obstacles and challenges they have overcome.”
“Be confident in what you know and what you can do. Do not let adjectives be thrown at you and sidetrack you or sway your spirit. Take time to be well informed and well-balanced. Make time to meditate and settle your thoughts before a big meeting so that you are feeling settled and confident! Being a leader and a decision maker can get lonely at times or hard when you are surrounded by criticism. During these times surround yourself with two true things: facts and friends.”
“True Leaders lead by example and have high morals and values. In a world of self-gratification and social media promotion they expect absolutely nothing in return for their efforts.”
“Harriett Tubman was the definition of leadership. She marched at her own uncanny pace with a bounty on her head and hounds on her back in service to others. She worked as a humanitarian activist until she was in her 90s. As a woman, as a black woman, in the 1800s—women’s rights, voting rights, property rights, black rights, elder rights, veterans rights—you name it and she was fighting for it.”
“My professional career has been defined by making high quality care available to the most vulnerable, including the uninsured locally and globally.”
“It is your responsibility to navigate your leadership role through the world to achieve a greater good.”
“I am an artist and a cultural worker. My work as a poet and writer is intrinsically tied to a long literary tradition carried out by poets and writers at the crossroads of social change movements. I have always recognized the intersectional nature of that work, where artistic practice meets social and economic justice work.”
“In my discipline, artistic expression is found in the composition of astrophotography featuring foreground Earth scenes and background scenes of the night sky. It is also found in the composition/orientation of views of galaxies and nebulae, in a way meant to evoke emotion or reference to other objects.”
“It’s important to remember that while there are policies and procedures to follow, often times you might need to find creative solutions to unique situations”
“We never know how the ripples we make will affect others, but it's always worth aspiring to do the right thing.”
“As a child, I read a book on the mind that declared, ‘Talent does what it can, Genius does what it must!” Now at 67, I agree with Elwood P. Dowd of the film ‘Harvey’ and recommend being pleasant over being smart.”
"Creative individuals think in a way that challenges convention and works in the interstitial spaces that others are not sufficiently driven to explore. Once a solution is found they are also fearless enough to bring it to the light.”
"Memory is a creative process. The branching, entangled networks, the interlocking pathways of our own making, portray a creative energy at play. I find art can take us beyond ourselves, and then within to a forgotten past, a place, and feelings not remembered or connected to—from there, a new pathway emerges, new possibilities for learning."
“It will take innovative thinking and action to conquer COVID-19. I am proud that OraSure is in the fight.”
“Education has been the vehicle for my work. We need as many leaders to step up as soon as possible to make the changes that are so desperately needed in our society.”