CW Open Call Submission Fee

CW Open Call Submission Fee


DVAA Open Call for Art Application Form Theme: Philadelphia futures and legacies

Da Vinci Art Alliance invites artists from across Philadelphia to submit their artwork for a five-month exhibition to be located at CultureWorks in Center City. Artists should submit work that responds to the theme of Philadelphia's futures and legacies. What do you think of when you think of future Philadelphians/Philadelphia? All artwork must: Respond to the theme in some way. Be under 36” on any side. Arrive ready to install (framed, wired, with pedestal, etc) Be either 2-D or 3-D works of any medium. Submission Requirements: No more than five artworks per submission. All images should be labeled with the artist’s last name (eg. Smith_1, Smith_2) Submissions should contain the title, date, medium, and size for each piece. Submission cost for non-DVAA or CultureWorks members: $15 There is no submission cost for DVAA or CultureWorks members. Submission fee waivers are available to artists with financial need. Please email Important dates: Exhibition dates: March 20th-July 29th Deadline to apply: February 28th. Artwork drop off at CultureWorks: March 17th and 18th between 10 am and 5 pm Artwork pick up at CultureWorks: July 30th and 31st between 10 am and 5 pm

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