DVAA Member since 2021

Nasir Young





26 year old recent graduate of the Pennsylvania academy of fine arts. I am a trained illustrator, and draftsman that plays with paint depicting the world around me.

Artist Statement:

I am a person who walks down the street looking at the brick and mortar, the markings on the wall, the trash on the ground wondering about its story.My practice starts with the world around me;guided by the happenstance moments that you would miss if you blink just once. From there my extensive sketchbook and photography practice start to document the small wonders.these range from shadows dancing around objects, visual clutter that tells a story, urban life and figures and my everyday life with them. From there I have ideas and sketches, even full paintings that may sit in my sketchbooks for months or years before it is time to use them. Every page of these books evokes memories of moments capturing a story that viewers often can relate too ,and brings out a sense of dejavu of their own story. When I go to bring these creations to life I use observation, studying the tiniest details of information that could be easily overlooked. These details bring specificity and a lived life to even inanimate objects. All of that said, there is one thing that makes my work mine: my landscapes, and buildings are my characters with figures as supporting props.

Exhibits at DVAA: