DVAA Member since january 2016

Floyd Kelley





“I am a native Philadelphia photographer driven by a passion for photography and finding overlooked perspectives in the everyday. Subjects vary from Philadelphia’s urban scenes and empty places, to the flowers, birds, and insects of nearby suburbs, as well interesting takes on family and friends. Along with traditionally portrayed images are images creatively transformed into a unique form of colors, tones, and feelings. I have been a member of DVAA to belong to a community of artists who bring varied perspectives and use varied mediums to express themselves and contribute art which invokes feelings and inspires.”

Artist Statement:

“When exploring the world, camera in hand, I am removed from troubles and conflicts within myself and within the world. I see the world with childlike wonder, finding beauty in places which are often not often thought of as beautiful places. It is a spiritual process. During post processing, I allow each image to speak and tell me where to take it to show the depth of emotion behind the literal. The changes may be bold or subtle. I explore the possibilities and wait for the moment that I know I have found truest feelings which the image has to offer. Each image intended to radiate feelings or invite the viewer to step into the image. ”


Exhibitions at DVAA: