DVAA Member since 2025

S. Jenx


WEBsite: https://www.behance.net/sjenx


From the second he heard the click of a camera’s shutter at a young age, Sean Jenkins aka S. Jenx fell in love with the entire process of image-making. Throughout grade school and high school he soaked in every possible creative outlet, learning every medium he could get his hands on. He was often found with a packed lunch, sitting in the art section of his local bookstore or hopping the trolley to 69th St. and going to any live music he could find. From hardcore shows at Stalag13 to open mic nights at Ortleibs Jazz Haus, music helped to soothe his anxiety & aid in the overall creative process.

After graduating with a degree in Fine & Performing Art, Jenkins went on to teach college photography, darkroom, studio lighting, video editing & various art history courses. Around this time, he started to notice his vision was on the decline & shortly after was diagnosed with a genetic disease that caused massive scarring in both of his eyes. Despite the obvious challenges of being a visually impaired artist Jenx developed an artist collective (The Fall Studios), a gallery space (The Aktion Gallery), continued creating personal work, and received his Masters in Photography from SCAD. Even after finding scleral contacts to aid in everyday life, Jenx would strive for years to create work that mimicked how he was seeing the world through his eyes; through various mediums, processes and unconventional lens combinations, he found specific techniques that did.

Fast-forward a bit and focus on current post-pandemic living where society thrives on overstimulation & the illusion of perfection in a vast digital world; Jenx draws influence from the days when art was found, collaged together, scratched out, marked up and photocopied. A time when making beauty out of that chaos was just what you did.

Artist Statement:

My work is the direct result of my experience...

I have been creating images for over 35 years now. My work has been featured in galleries nationally for about 25 years. I've been an artist all of my life. My love for classic and alternative photography stems from the idea of making something physical in a fast paced digital world. I've been striving to make images through non-traditional means with the intention of creating a world for my viewer to get lost in. To make a scene.