DVAA Member since 2025
Ricky Clover
Ricky Clover Jr was born and raised in Southwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a love and passion for cartoon animation. His father, Ricky Clover Sr. briefly attended The Art Institute of Philadelphia.
Concept of Marky came about when he imagined his life as animated sitcom during his middle school years of early 90's.
Ricky Clover has always had a fondness for animation medium. Looney Toons, The Simpsons, The Boondocks( comic strip and cartoon) G.I Joe A Real American Hero, Fist of the North Star, Golgo 13: The Professional, Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie, Transforners: The Movie and Heavy Metal are his favorite animated features he likes.
Ricky Clover had formal training throughout the years to perfect his skills as animator. Age 15 he attended Soapstone For The Arts 4 week graphic arts in Decatur, Ga. Age 17 Enrichment Program For The Gifted in Decatur, Ga was internship program for high school students. He was in graphic arts program in Decatur, Ga. Age 29. University Arts League 8 week advance comic book artist workshop. Teacher was a comic book artist, Pete Stratis, creator of Evenfall in Philadelphia,Pa. Age 33 Devry University Multimedia Development And Design Accelerated Course Bachelor's Degree Program in Fort Washington, Pa. Age 37 PhillyCAM( Community Access Media) Local TV and Radio Channel. Two Adobe Premier Workshops( video editing and filmmaking course), After Effects( 3D Animation course) and Audio Production course.
Ricky Clover, 43, is a Devry University student who currently attending classes online. His major is Multi Media Design and Development and been a member of PhillyCAM since 2012. 2019 Cammy Award winner for Excellence in TV Production, Marky. Marky was a 3D animated comedy short set in 1992 about a teen stuck with a perpetual bad haircut during his first day of middle school. Currently working on the follow up, Marky: Life Be Buggin, set to be broadcast on PhillyCAM, ROKU and AppleTV in winter 2022. In Marky: Life Be Buggin, Marques Lawrence Sharper must contend with his bad luck haircut on a day to day basis. Marky: Life Be Buggin is multi-award winning animated short.In 2023, Marky: Rock Da House has won many awards and currently shown as Marky marathon on Saturdays at 2am. Currently working on Marky: The Motion Picture for 2026 Philadelphia live screening release.
Artist CloseUp Magazine- 22nd Issue, page 42
Film Sessions Podcast Interview on IHeart Radio
Pavingways Podcast Interview
Ricky Clover IMDBPro website
Artist Statement:
Rome was not built in a day