Cultureworks X DVAA
Philadelphia Futures and Legacies
The exhibition will run from March 20 - July 29 in 2025 at CultureWorks in Center City, Philadelphia
Da Vinci Art Alliance and CultureWorks both work to provide resources and gathering spaces for our communities. We aim to make a sustainable and lasting impact on the communities we serve. DVAA and CultureWorks are partnering on a series of art exhibitions for 2025. Da Vinci Art Alliance invites artists from across Philadelphia to submit their artwork for a five-month exhibition to be located at CultureWorks in Center City. Artists should submit work that responds to the theme of Philadelphia's futures and legacies. What do you think of when you think of future Philadelphians/Philadelphia?
Important Dates
Submission Deadline Friday, February 28 at 11:59PM
All Applicants Notified Wednesday, March 5
Exhibition Date March 20 - July 29
Artwork Drop Off March 17th and 18th between 10 am and 5 pm @ CultureWorks
Artwork Pick Up July 30th and 31st between 10 am and 5 pm @ Cultureworks
All Artwork Must
Respond to the theme in some way.
Be under 36” on any side.
Arrive ready to install (framed, wired, with pedestal, etc)
Be either 2-D or 3-D works of any medium.
Theme Philadelphia Futures and Legacies
Five Artworks per submission
Label All images with the artist’s last name (eg. Smith_1, SMith_2). Submissions should contain the title, date, medium, size, and artist for each piece.
Submission Fee for Non-DVAA or CultureWorks Members $15
No Submission Cost for DVAA or CultureWorks members.
Submission Fee Waivers are available to artists with financial need. Please email
Step One:
Step Two:
CultureWorks is a coworking space for many Philadelphia non-profit arts and education organizations. Work will be exhibited throughout the spacious open floor plan and inside meeting spaces. Artworks on view will be accessible to the public by appointment during office hours (Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm) and located on the 3rd floor of the Philadelphia Building in Center City, Philadelphia (1315 Walnut Street, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19107)