Michael Smaczylo

DVAA 2022 Kathryn Pannepacker Fellow


About Michael:

Mike Smaczylo is an artist, educator, illustrator and designer from Philadelphia. He attended the University of the Arts, obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Illustration and recently graduated with a Master of Education degree in Art Education at Tyler School of Art at Temple University.

“My work currently explores the educational and social landscape of Philadelphia from the perspective of someone who has witnessed massive changes in this city over his relatively short lifetime, and someone who has been exposed to the brutal effects of poverty, substance use, and the system’s complete disinvestment and neglect of urban communities. It is my hope that I can use my role as an artist to inform and raise awareness for the issues that are dear to me and my city, and that I may use my role as a high school art teacher to empower my students to explore and document their own narratives and artistic perspectives. I hope to always continue fighting for and advocating for my students and all students in this city that is such a huge part of who I am.” - Mike

About Kathryn Pannepacker Fellowship:

This fellowship provides an opportunity for an emerging artist/curator to curate an exhibition exploring social, political, or cultural content that engages local communities in the Da Vinci Art Alliance gallery space. By spearheading the exhibition process including theme creation, artist management, and ultimate layout and presentation, the Kathryn Pannepacker Fellow is able to develop and enhance their skill set. The Kathryn Pannepacker Fellow will work alongside DVAA's Exhibitions and Programming Director to oversee, advise, and install the exhibition.

Named for textile/visual/community artist Kathryn Pannepacker who revitalized DVAA in 1997 and who continues to work deeply with local communities around criminal justice, homelessness, substance abuse and other mental/behavioral health challenges.