DVAA Member since 2021
Isabel Brown
Isabel is a self-taught multimedia maker. Some of their favorite mediums to work with are painting, drawing, collage, textiles, and recycled and reclaimed materials. They became interested in art while studying at Oberlin College, where they began collaborating with other queer makers. Focusing on expressions of queer identity and kinship structures, they use traditional techniques and experimentation with reclaimed materials to combine art and craft. They live and work in West Philadelphia.
Artist Statement:
Making art is a lot like child’s play. As a kid, I spent hours building worlds and creating characters to set loose in them. I am seeking that intersection between imagined worlds and real ones; the line between “art” and “craft”. I am fixated by camp and performance as vehicles for both queer celebration and survival. I love the small bliss that comes from generating something new from something old or forgotten. I love making new worlds to heal old ones. I’m still so new to this world and to myself but I hope to make worlds in my art that others can find the same solace in as I do.