I Am Where I Am Going

A SOLO EXHIBITION BY Jihan A. Thomas at atria

Exhibition Runs February 6 — May 7 Opening Thursday, February 6 with the time TBD


About the exhibition:

Thomas on I Am Where I’m Going:

Over the last few years, I have been exploring the relationships between the black body as a landscape of restoration and self-preservation. I have been asking myself questions of how the Black figure can “feel” unbothered and unburdened on this planet. Where can we go? How can we feel light as clouds float to our closest imaginations uninterrupted.

Through these questions I have used elements in my work to convey a mindscape to a place where under our eyelids we can only go. Symbols such as Black clouds, gold linings, bold shapes, ancient landscapes, skyscapes, glitter and jewel tones contribute to these ponderings.

I Am Where I’m Going will be on view on the 5th floor of Atria Center City and is unfortunately not open to visitors. The work, however, will be for sale through our website and a walkthrough video tour will be made available once the exhibition is installed.


Jihan A. Thomas is a Black visual artist, artivist, Mother, and community/museum arts educator based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. To Jihan, art can be a conduit for empowerment and self-actualization. She shares her art and creativity wherever art is needed throughout Philadelphia through art making and cultural experiences. As an art educator, Jihan believes in the power and spectrum of Black imagination and how it can support classroom student engagement in learning.