Noelle Warford

“We’re in an ecosystem. For us to have the scale in which we need to significantly change food systems and other systems of oppression, we all need to work together.”

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Andrea Snyder

“Creativity is the purest form of human expression. It comes from deep within our psyche and enables us to make something totally unique in any field.”

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Ellen Owens

“Listening involves moving outside of your own lived experience to learn from someone else's, which is particularly important in elevating the voices of those who do not hold power.”

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Kimberly Camp

“Speaking truth to power is the only way to be empowered and to have integrity. As important as that is understanding that art is a form of communication…And my art lets me communicate my sense of humor, my sense of culture, and my sense of commitment to social equity.”

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Rachel Valletta

“As a child, I thought a ‘genius’ was someone with an immense mastery of facts, but these days I understand the term to mean much, much more. To me, a genius is one who can effectively block out the cacophony of everyday life and live according to their own guiding impulses.”

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Raina Searles

“I love the way some storytellers are good at taking what other people see and connecting the dots, delivering a message. In my particular industry, I share stories as a marketing tool, getting people to understand why a theatrical work they've never heard of is relevant to their lives.”

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Nilé Livingston

“Graphic design, with its commercial appeal, is about external communication, while my painting is a meditative practice for my spirit. These two disciplines require me to use opposite parts of myself, but make me feel whole.”

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Wilfredo Hernandez

“I’ve learned how to challenge systems, my own privileges, and assumptions, and I’ve learned how to advocate for myself and others. The work never ends and is ongoing – but always in community and with care.”

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Eugene Desyatnik

“I happen to be an immigrant. I’m a naturalized citizen at this point, but I was not born here and English is my second language. Regardless of your status, even if you may not be able to vote in U.S. elections, you can get involved and run and become an officer in our neighborhood organization. You can have influence, make a difference, and give back.”

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Tu Huynh

“There are as many different forms of art as there are artists. Beyond the canvas and traditional means of creativity is the power to move and inspire people through compassion, empathy and understanding. It’s represented in the works of artists like Rembrandt and Alice Neel; writers like Zora Neale Hurston and Harper Lee; activists like Gandhi and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and people in my personal life…like my own mother!”

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Gerard Silva

“I believe that nature is a really good roommate that you want to keep, and I would hug a tree if you dared me. I believe our oceans are the way to forget all our worries. I believe art is everything and books are holy. I believe you should dance daily, no matter what you are doing. And I believe you should dance with me!”

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Ande Natta

“Leadership is action, not position. It's more important to do the work than it is to get the accolades.”

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Brad Carney

“Creativity starts with planting a seed. You don't know what it will become, but you nurture it, you feed and protect it. You work hard to make sure it grows strong. And one day, there's something beautiful in this world that wasn't here before.”

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Valerie V Gay

“Little ideas and discoveries lead to other ideas, which build into bigger projects. It’s this ability to bring forward ideas that can be built upon that has opened doors for me. By learning how to think differently, and not accept the status quo, I’ve continually discovered that ‘it hasn’t been done’ and ‘it can’t be done’ are two vastly different propositions.”

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Zach Wilcha

“Any position of leadership within the queer community must be influenced by innovation because our community – and each of the rights pertaining to us – evolves at such a rapid pace.”

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Diane Burko

“‘Innovation’ is tied to creativity. An artist must be open to new ideas to continue to develop, you need to embrace new technologies and also be aware of the world around them. That is wha drives my practice. It provides the motivation to be open to new materials, visual strategies and intellectual ideas. It allows me to stay passionate about our planets future health.

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Kathryn Pannepacker

“I do my best to align with inspired ideas rather than rallying solely from discipline, motivation and pressure. That's exhausting & depleting. No thanks. I love the urban grit of life and the soothing coo of nature.”

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Broad Street Ministry Staff

“Radical Hospitality is at the core of our values. Everyone who walks through our doors is treated with dignity and respect. There is a seat at our table for everyone, and everyone has something unique to offer to the community.”

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