Color Says
solo exhibit in Gallery 2 by Marilyn Stubblebine
Exhibition Runs: December 2nd - December 19th

About the exhibition:
It was the feel of the paper in a used mystery novel that prompted artist, Marilyn Stubblebine, to tear a page out of her book and paint a swash of red over the text. The red looked alive on the page. Marilyn could bend it, twist it, feel the paint under her fingertips. The block of red repurposing the original story. In that moment, Marilyn realized the potency of color, and the potential it held to tell a story.
The exhibition centers around an in-progress artist book created from a used mystery paperback. The principle focus of the exhibit is in the play of color. Through repeating palettes of limited color choices oriented in rectangular blocks defined by the original paragraphs, the color replaces text to relay a new story. Each artwork propelling the narrative into a different direction.
Color Says will be on view in Gallery 2 beginning December 2nd, and will be available as a video walkthrough shortly after. The opening reception will take place on Thursday December 2nd, from 5-7pm.
About the ARtist:
“Wonder inspires my art. My curiosity moves me. How can I show the puzzle, the mystery, the questions, the meanderings? Color, lines, marks, shapes give light and form to, if not answers, then musings. Abstraction is the voice.” - Marilyn Stubblebine