a solo EXHIBITION by Lauren Frank
Exhibition Runs: August 1st - august 18th, 2021

About the exhibition:
Lauren Frank addresses the spiritual phenomena known as manifestation in her exhibition 111. The conceptual inspiration for 111 was cultivated from reading a multitude of spiritual books and consuming other mind-bending media. Through this exhibition, Lauren intents to intrigue others and spark an interest in a topic that they are either already familiar with, or have never explored before.
Lauren wrote and designed a book with an interactive component to accompany the exhibition, called The No Bullshit Guide to Manifestation. The book is a playful yet down-to-earth introduction into the spiritual realm of manifestation. Pledge to her kickstarter to receive a physical copy of the book.
111 open at Da Vinci Art Alliance in Gallery 2 on August 1st. The exhibition will be on view in the gallery by appointment, and as a recorded video tour on the Da Vinci Art Alliance website.
About the artist:
Lauren Frank is an artist, designer and illustrator with a BFA in Graphic and Interactive Design From the Tyler School of Art. She draws inspiration for her unique and unexpected designs from a vast collection of analog and digital art styles. For more about Lauren and examples of her work, visit her website www.laurenfrankdesign.com.