The Inquisitives: At the Intersection Between Art and Science

an exhibition by science-minded artists @ dvaa

Exhibition Runs: October 11th - October 26th, 2020


About the exhibition:

Six artists with a background in science come together to present The Inquisitives: At the Intersection Between Art and Science opening at Da Vinci Art Alliance on October 11th in conjunction with Da Vinci Fest Live. Barbara Bix MD, Bennett Lorber MD, Christine Stoughton PhD, Joellyn Ross PhD, Linda Dubin Garfield EdD, and Pia De Girolamo MD exhibit new works that reveal the interconnectedness of their scientific and artistic processes by implementing scientific analysis into artistic technique and using the artistic process as stimulus for scientific experiments. The intersection of art and science often leads to innovation, and in the post-pandemic world, this spirit of creativity will be essential.

As infectious disease specialists, psychologists, physicians, and counselors, the artists in this exhibition exemplify the similarities between artists and scientists. They are dedicated to asking the big questions: “What is true? Why does it matter? How can we move society forward?”, searching deeply, and often wanderingly, for these answers. Through painting, collage, mosaic, and sculpture, The Inquisitives: At the Intersection Between Art and Science provides proof that the similarities between how artists and scientists work far outweigh their stereotypical differences. To those who practice neither art nor science, the fields seem like polar opposites- one data-driven, and the other driven by emotion. One dominated by technical introverts, the other by expressive eccentrics. However, the scientist’s laboratory and the artist’s studio are two of the last places reserved for open-ended inquiry- where failure is a welcome part of the process and learning occurs by a continuous feedback loop between thinking and doing. Both artists and scientists strive to see the world in new ways and communicate that vision. When they are successful, the rest of us suddenly see the world differently and our truth is fundamentally changed. 

The artists will be participating in THE HIVE (a project of Da Vinci Fest Live) for a panel conversation with moderator Marianne Mitchell where they will discuss the interconnection of art and science by addressing how art has responded to and anticipated scientific discoveries; how making art and viewing art with care enhances observational and diagnostic skills; and how making and viewing art produces physiological changes that positively impact physical and mental health. 

participating Artists:

Barbara Bix, Bennett Lorber, Christine Stoughton, Joellyn Ross, Linda Dubin Garfield, and Pia De Girolamo.