DVAA Member since 2022

Sherry Rossini


Artist Website:



S. Rossini is an Italian-American artist residing in Pennsylvania, United States. currently working in marble, bronze, installation, and performance. Rossini’s recent work is an examination of combining meditation practices with carving marble stone sculpture. The recent series of works were inspired through research of meditating in the Altissimo Mountains of Carrara, and working in studio of Pietrasanta, Italy.

Education includes a Master of Fine Art from The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2022, a Master of Education, and Bachelor of Fine Art from Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia.

Artist Statement:

“My work is grounded in various meditational practices. Whether this mediation is experienced through walking, the stillness of silence or in the movement of carving marble, my focus is on the breath breathing the body. Each breath is a form unto itself and exists in its own moment. As I inhale and exhale, images appear in my mind of the breath entering and exiting the body. I work to give form to those ephemeral moments. In these practices I connect with the earth and reclaim my mind in search of balance, peace, and harmony.”