DVAA Member since December 2018

Marcie M Ziskind




Artists Bio:

Marcie Mehrman Ziskind is a self-taught artist. She’s been felting for many years, but her passion for roving, fiber art & making felted items ramped up after the death of her oldest son in July 2016.

Artist Statement:

Marcie uses the physicality of making felt to process her grief. Not only does she pour her physical emotion into the making of her “Grief Vessels”, and other felted items, but they also hold the grief itself. They all have interesting nooks & crannies, just like our grief, which hides in all the little places inside us & pops out at unexpected and often inopportune times, and surprises even us. In the process of grieving, if we are open to possibilities & blessings, we allow something horrific and traumatic to turn into beauty and newly opened doors.


Exhibitions at DVAA: