DVAA Member since 2023

Fina Grimes



In my work I use my experiences caring for myself as a trans and disabled person to show the viewer depictions of self-love, reflection, and growth. The basis of my work is acknowledging and translating these past and present feelings through different modes of textile production. I allow the labor and material choices that go into my soft sculpture to be influenced by what I feel best conveys these emotions in the final product. For this particular series of work I was interested in the ways in which I am perceived by the world and the intersection of those perceptions with how I view myself. These two ideas marry together within the work to create a distorted and manipulated self image. This distorted self image is meant to evoke self reflection in the viewer. In the making of this work I take digital scans and transfer the images onto fabric in which I then sew, fill and manipulate. The process of capturing something in real life through a digital medium, then fabricating a physical object out of its captured image is a manipulation of the way these objects are perceived and presented to the viewer. These objects and their process of presentation reflect the ways in which I am perceived in the world both from my hand in their creation and the viewers perception of them.

