DVAA Member

Barbara Rosin





Barbara B. Rosin is a life long Philadelphian. She studied at the University of Pennsylvania, Tyler School of Art School, and Fleisher Art Memorial. She has had four painting residencies at Vermont Studio Center and similar summer experiences in Italy and France. Her paintings have been exhibited and purchased widely, from Vermont to Louisiana to Oregon and in between, as well as in Todi and Assisi, Italy and in Paris, France.

She has worked as an Art Therapist, Adult Education Director and taught painting in Philadelphia and Ocean City, NJ for almost 40 years. She has illustrated book covers, cookbooks, and poetry journals and has exhibited in numerous juried painting shows. She has had 20 solo gallery exhibits of her work.

Over the years she has enjoyed painting commissions, often depicting  the travel experiences of a client.

Artist Statement:

“Although I'm a lifelong artist who started with a love of drawing, I consider myself primarily an oil painter who concentrates in landscape.

I rarely paint what I see in front of me, nor do I paint from photographs. 

I paint from my 'landscape memories'. These are based on places I've been fortunate enough to find, and return to, many times.  They have captured my imagination and have become calm 'painterly dream sequences' of themes I return to..

Relationships between forms in landscape always interest me.
I imagine an atmosphere from memories...a hum and harmony, and also silence.
Emotion and ambiguity may follow. Recalling how these scenes felt to me, I begin to paint.”


Exhibitions at DVAA: