DVAA Member since 2023

Ayiana Viviana



Ayiana Viviana Porter (b. 1984) is a Philadelphia based emerging abstract artist whose work focuses on the exploration of thoughts, emotion and humanity. Most of her work begins with free-form lines which interconnect and allow room and space to dig deeper into the psyche as she explores personal storytelling in her pieces. Her art strongly encourages the observer to identify and perhaps unearth their own deep seeded thoughts and emotions.

Ayiana’s works consists primarily of acrylic based paintings and drawings on canvas or heavy weight acrylic paper. Her work is an overarching quest to find significance and meaning in the chaos of life and give personal significance to what we see and experience around us. Ayiana is also an avid writer and a photography enthusiast.

Artist Statement:

I am an observer by nature and my art is an outward expression of my inner thoughts and observations. Everything I create poses a question. It is an invitation for both the observer and myself, to look deeper, stop often, and study a thing from different angles. My art is my humanity and an expression of my connection to both myself and the rest of human-kind. My art is inspired by everyday life, including the emotional ups and downs and lessons of healing and growth that I've personally experienced, Derived from my deeply religious upbringing, to becoming teenage mother, domestic abuse survivor and rebellion against systems of oppression, my art is a dive into the fullness of my humanity.

At this intersection of emotionally driven exploration, I invite you to come along. Let’s explore.